Taichi utility module.
image submodule for image io.
video submodule for exporting results to video files.
diagnose submodule for printing system environment information.
- class taichi.tools.PLYWriter(num_vertices: int, num_faces=0, face_type='tri', comment='created by PLYWriter')#
Writes numpy.array data to ply files.
- Parameters:
num_vertices (int) – number of vertices.
num_faces (int, optional) – number of faces.
face_type (str) – tri or quad.
comment (str) – comment message.
- add_face_channel(self, key: str, data_type: str, data: numpy.array)#
- add_face_id(self)#
- add_face_piece(self, piece: numpy.array)#
- add_faces(self, indices: numpy.array)#
- add_vertex_alpha(self, alpha: numpy.array)#
Sets the alpha-channel (transparent) of the vertex colors.
- Parameters:
alpha (numpy.array(float)) – the alpha-channel (transparent) of the colors.
- add_vertex_channel(self, key: str, data_type: str, data: numpy.array)#
- add_vertex_color(self, r: numpy.array, g: numpy.array, b: numpy.array)#
Sets the (r, g, b) channels of the colors at the vertices.
The three arguments are all numpy arrays of float type and have the same length.
- Parameters:
r (numpy.array(float)) – the r-channel (red) of the colors.
g (numpy.array(float)) – the g-channel (green) of the color.
b (numpy.array(float)) – the b-channel (blue) of the colors.
- add_vertex_id(self)#
Sets the ids of the vertices.
The id of a vertex is equal to its index in the vertex array.
- add_vertex_normal(self, nx: numpy.array, ny: numpy.array, nz: numpy.array)#
Add normal vectors at the vertices.
The three arguments are all numpy arrays of float type and have the same length.
- Parameters:
nx (numpy.array(float)) – x-coordinates of the normal vectors.
ny (numpy.array(float)) – y-coordinates of the normal vectors.
nz (numpy.array(float)) – z-coordinates of the normal vectors.
- add_vertex_piece(self, piece: numpy.array)#
- add_vertex_pos(self, x: numpy.array, y: numpy.array, z: numpy.array)#
Set the (x, y, z) coordinates of the vertices.
- Parameters:
x (numpy.array(float)) – x-coordinates of the vertices.
y (numpy.array(float)) – y-coordinates of the vertices.
z (numpy.array(float)) – z-coordinates of the vertices.
- add_vertex_rgba(self, r: numpy.array, g: numpy.array, b: numpy.array, a: numpy.array)#
Sets the (r, g, b, a) channels of the colors at the vertices.
- Parameters:
r (numpy.array(float)) – the r-channel (red) of the colors.
g (numpy.array(float)) – the g-channel (green) of the color.
b (numpy.array(float)) – the b-channel (blue) of the colors.
a (numpy.array(float)) – the a-channel (alpha) of the colors.
- export(self, path)#
- export_ascii(self, path)#
- export_frame(self, series_num: int, path: str)#
- export_frame_ascii(self, series_num: int, path: str)#
- print_header(self, path: str, _format: str)#
- sanity_check(self)#
- class taichi.tools.VideoManager(output_dir, video_filename=None, width=None, height=None, post_processor=None, framerate=24, automatic_build=True)#
Utility class for exporting results to mp4 and gif formats. This class relies on ffmpeg.
- Parameters:
output_dir (str) – directory to save the frames.
video_filename (str) – filename for the video. default filename is video.mp4.
width (int) – resolution of the video.
height (int) – resolution of the video.
post_processor (object) – any object that implements the process(img) method, which accepts an image as a numpy.ndarray and returns the process image.
framerate (int) – frame rate of the video.
automatic_build (bool) – automatically generate the resulting video or not.
>>> video_manager = ti.tools.VideoManager(output_dir="./output", framerate=24, automatic_build=False)
>>> for i in range(50):
>>> render()
>>> img = pixels.to_numpy()
>>> video_manager.write_frame(img)
>>> video_manager.make_video(gif=True, mp4=True)- Returns:
An instance of
- clean_frames(self)#
Delete all previous image files in the saved directory.
- get_frame_directory(self)#
Returns path to the directory where the image files are located in.
- get_output_filename(self, suffix)#
- make_video(self, mp4=True, gif=True)#
Convert the image files to a mp4 or gif animation.
- write_frame(self, img)#
Write an numpy.ndarray img to an image file.
The filename will be automatically determined by this manager and the frame counter.
- write_frames(self, images)#
Write a list of numpy.ndarray images to image files.
- taichi.tools.imread(filename, channels=0)#
Load image from a specific file.
- Parameters:
filename (str) – An image filename to load from.
channels (int, optional) – The channels hint of input image, Default to 0.
- Returns:
An output image loaded from given filename.
- Return type:
- taichi.tools.imresize(img, w, h=None)#
Resize an image to a specific size.
- Parameters:
img (Union[ti.field, np.ndarray]) – A field of of array with shape (width, height, …)
w (int) – The output width after resize.
h (int, optional) – The output height after resize, will be the same as width if not set. Default to None.
- Returns:
An output image after resize input.
- Return type:
- taichi.tools.imshow(img, title='imshow')#
Display a taichi.field or a numpy.ndarray in a Taichi GUI window or an interactive Ipython notebook. For an interactive Ipython environment, the image will be shown in the notebook.
- Parameters:
img (Union[ti.field, np.ndarray]) – A field of of array with shape (width, height) or (height, width, 3) or (height, width, 4).
title (str, optional) – The title of GUI window. Default to imshow.
- taichi.tools.imwrite(img, filename)#
Save a field to a a specific file.
- Parameters:
img (Union[ti.field, np.ndarray]) – A field of shape (height, width) or (height, width, 3) or (height, width, 4), if dtype is float-type (ti.f16, ti.f32, np.float32 etc), the value of each pixel should be float between [0.0, 1.0]. Otherwise ti.tools.imwrite will first clip them into [0.0, 1.0] if dtype is int-type (ti.u8, ti.u16, np.uint8 etc), , the value of each pixel can be any valid integer in its own bounds. These integers in this field will be scaled to [0, 255] by being divided over the upper bound of its basic type accordingly.
filename (str) – The filename to save to.